Rehearsals and Music


Our rehearsal venue in Belgrave Road.

Rehearsals take place at Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road, Seaford on Monday evenings. If you are interested in joining us, please see have a look at our "Sing With Us" page here

We start with notices at 7.00pm so we can start singing at 7.15pm. There is a short refreshment break at 8.15pm and we finish at 9.15pm. If any member without transport needs help getting to the church, please speak to a member of the committee. There is a small car park with disabled spaces and free street parking on all surrounding roads. Eastbourne to Brighton buses run very close by on the main A259, stopping at Claremont.


Subscription fees for each term are £45 and should be paid to the Treasurer no later than the third week of term. Payments can be made using the following methods:

  • by bank transfer/online directly to our Choir account. See treasurer Rick for bank details.
  • pay directly by credit/debit card before the rehearsal by card reader
  • cheques made out to Seaford Choral Society. No cash payments please.

Refreshments cost 50p for a drink and a biscuit. To avoid handling cash, members are requested to purchase tokens from Rick.

Music is hired by the Society and loaned to members free of charge at the beginning of each season. Music scores will not be issued after 7.15pm at the first few rehearsals until the refreshment break, so please can members ensure they sign for their copies before commencement of rehearsals. Copies are returned at the end of term party on the Monday after a concert.  A few copies of scores are available for members to purchase.

The Society does have to pay for any missing music after a performance, so it is essential that all borrowed music is signed and accounted for, and returned promptly with jottings erased.

Please do your best to learn your part before and inbetween rehearsals. This helps reduce the time spent on learning words and notes in rehearsals.

We also encourage you to listen to a recording of the music we are rehearsing.

You may wish to use Cyberbass or Choraline to help with this.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Seaford Choral Society | The friendly Seaford Choir